

Fathers  -  Custody  -  Children

Fathers are always told that if they go through a divorce, they will lose their children.  Told that mothers always win custody of the children, and that dads rarely get to see their children.  Told that dads are only in touch with their children by $check$.  These statements are TOTALLY FALSE, since fathers often WIN CUSTODY of their children.  You must FIGHT FOR YOUR CHILDREN.

As a national non-profit organization, FATHERS CUSTODY CENTER is dedicated to helping child caring, actively involved fathers to gain custody of their children.  Educated in family law, our staff supports fathers throughout the country.   When mom has other priorities and dad is really MR. MOM, dad should be awarded primary physical custody of the children.  We help fathers with the strategy and techniques needed to WIN their case.

If you or any other actively involved father you know needs help because of a child custody battle, due to a divorce or a paternity case, contact FATHERS CUSTODY CENTER, and we will help you to WIN your case.

In addition, we provide you with a hotline available from 10AM to midnight, 7 days a week.  We have individual counseling for successful self-representation, referrals to fathers rights attorneys specializing in family law, and we recommend the best fathers rights psychologists and child custody evaluators.

FATHERS CUSTODY CENTER encourages and assists fathers to FIGHT FOR CUSTODY of their children.  Contact us immediately.




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For assistance with child support issues please visit the following website:

See Fathers Child Support Survival Services  Organization helping fathers with child support problems in California and some parts of New York. 



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